Saturday, September 29, 2007

Jensens In Paris

Birth Announcement!

The Lakewood Jensens are proud to announce the arrival of...

Their own blog!

No more squatting on other people's ether-space! (But much thanks to Brother Mike and others who have served as barker channels for us the past year). We've buckled down and gotten a pixelated pad of our own. (No, I don't know what I mean by pixelated, either.) We'll even try to update it more than once a month!

To get things started, we bring you the very first edition of...


Ben: "I'm watching Mommy and Daddy's video about Paris on Mommy's iPod."

Lauren: "Nothing." (She's actually watching the video with Ben.)

Amy: "Looking at Mike and Steph's blog."

Jeff: "Writing these words--and scratching my privates!"

Freddy the Cat: "Meoooow." [Translation: Someone get me out of this crackhouse from hell. Also: I like cheese."]


Lauren just screamed: "I don't want to get marrried!" (Dad's response: "Whew!") and "I want a little sister!" (Dad's response: Wild, hysterical laughter.)

And I just scratched myself again.

Much love,

The Jensens