Thursday, July 30, 2009

MRI on July 29

Thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts. I had an MRI at Cedars yesterday and despite my usual Neuro-Oncologist meeting with me (he is currently on Paternity-leave), it was a great appointment. Basically, my brain looks the same as usual. I have been off of the chemo drugs since April 1 and there hasn't been any tumor activity so we are hopeful that the 6.5 weeks of chemo and radiation plus the additional two years of chemo have had a lasting impact on the cancer cells in my brain. I have yet to regain my original energy, pre-cancer, but am hopeful that it will come in time. Prayer is always appreciated.

Much love to you all,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Update 2009

Check us out - two updates in two days! I know the summer isn't over yet but we have done so much so far that I wanted to make a little movie to summarize the fun. You will see the following:

- our trip to Seattle and Portland in June
- the 4th of July
- our Anniversary trip to San Francisco
- our weekend in San Diego for Comicon

We still have two more trips planned before school starts so keep checking back!

Much love to you all!

amy, jeff, ben and lauren

Monday, July 27, 2009

10 years of marriage!

July has been a busy month. We celebrated our Ten Year Wedding Anniversary (please watch the video we made!) (also, thanks mom for watching Ben and Lauren so we could get away) and just yesterday, we returned from a long weekend in San Diego (Comicon). Jeff worked while the kids and I played. Keep checking back for additional video updates from July.

amy, jeff, ben and lauren

p.s. I am having another MRI this Wednesday, July 29th. I will post the results. Please pray for a clean scan.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In memoriam

Jeff is now regretting his decision to ditch this jacket.

May it and MJ rest in peace.