Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birth Announcement!

The Lakewood Jensens are proud to announce the arrival of...

Their own blog!

No more squatting on other people's ether-space! (But much thanks to Brother Mike and others who have served as barker channels for us the past year). We've buckled down and gotten a pixelated pad of our own. (No, I don't know what I mean by pixelated, either.) We'll even try to update it more than once a month!

To get things started, we bring you the very first edition of...


Ben: "I'm watching Mommy and Daddy's video about Paris on Mommy's iPod."

Lauren: "Nothing." (She's actually watching the video with Ben.)

Amy: "Looking at Mike and Steph's blog."

Jeff: "Writing these words--and scratching my privates!"

Freddy the Cat: "Meoooow." [Translation: Someone get me out of this crackhouse from hell. Also: I like cheese."]


Lauren just screamed: "I don't want to get marrried!" (Dad's response: "Whew!") and "I want a little sister!" (Dad's response: Wild, hysterical laughter.)

And I just scratched myself again.

Much love,

The Jensens


Mike said...

Welcome to blogger world!

Anonymous said...

This should be interesting.

The Jensens (Lakewood, Ca. branch) said...

Who are you, "old man"? Reveal yourself!
love, amy

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the picture of the French kitty. Excellent post!

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, anonymous is Lynette. I don't know which button to push.