I know I shared a few months ago that it was recently discovered that my brother had an 8 year old son, Justin. He lives in Bend and has been visited several times now by my mom, Rhonda, and step-dad, Matt. He resembles my brother in many ways, besides his hair, like his love for adventure and a large collection of scars and scrapes. Please keep him in your prayers - he is still in foster-care and was even removed from his second to last situation two days before Christmas. He seems to enjoy the visits from my mom and Matt and we are hopeful that his next foster care situation could be with them or my dad and his fiancee, Karen.
On the health front, I had appointments yesterday with my oncologist and neurologist and all seems to be okay -- I am hopeful to be done with all my meds by the summer. The anti-seizure medicine, Keppra, makes me very sleepy and slothful so I have to take Ritalin just to fulfill my duties as a mom and wife. The neurologist, Dr. Chow wants me to stay on the Keppra for a full year since my last seizure (June 4, 2007). Also, it looks like I only have two more months of chemo. In March, I will have an MRI and I'm sure I will learn at that time if more months of chemo treatments will be recommended. We will keep you updated.
Much love and blessings to you all!
love, amy
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