Monday, October 20, 2008

We are the champions!

Hello from the Lakewood Jensens,
Warning, we will be doing some shameless bragging in this post.

So, here it goes:
Thank you to all those who donated money to Ben's school for the Gomper's Fun Run. He raised $157 that will be put to good use. Also, Ben ran a good race, finished in 2nd place for his grade and 4th place overall. Please watch our movie to see the highlights. Also, Lauren was chosen as the Star Student for her class for the month of September (again, watch the video to see it all happen). Besides his interest in running, Ben is also playing fall baseball and flag football. Lauren is enjoying kindergarten and spends her free time reading about Medieval women and the Civil War. We had a wonderful conversation yesterday about Flappers and the 1920s.

The movie ends with some photos of my mom's visit last week and a trip to a local tea parlor (the hats are provided by the shop, by the way).

much love to you all,
amy, jeff, ben and lauren


Anonymous said...

hi jeff and amy,

so happy to hear that amy's treatment is going so well.

kudos to ben and lauren for their accomplishments. they're great kids (with fantastic parents).

uncle david

Anonymous said...

Ben and Lauren,
We are so very proud of both of you!Keep having fun in school and sports!
Nana and Papa "J"

Eric and Meg said...

so glad things are going well. i pray for you often.
and congrats on the kids' accomplishments. its always ok to brag about your kids. you should!
we brag too. its only natural to want to share excitement with everyone! how can one contain themselves with news like this! awesome!

Mike said...

OK...I get the connection to the name "Ben", but c'mon...the Steelers!?!? The team that STOLE the superbowl from the Hawks :-) Ben needs a Hasslebeck jersey...the hawks need all the help they can get.