Hello all!
This is a good news post! I had an MRI last week and my doctor said that everything looks great! Excellent, even. It's been 3 years now since the tumor reared its head inside my head and I feel blessed that it seems to have been slain or perhaps, "beheaded." Anyway, thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. I have recently been told by a few people who I barely know but had heard about me and have been praying for me this whole time. Such blessings to be held like that.
Last fall, I joined a life group at church that involves quilting small blankets for children in the hospital. Although we are no longer an official life group, we continue to meet once a month with the goal of completing 10 quilts before we visit the kids at a hospital in Long Beach. I mention this because I would like prayer for our group but also donations of hand-made quilts (you know, if you have one tucked away somewhere that you would like to give to a sick child). I got this idea from a good friend who offered to give me one she made awhile ago. They don't have to be fancy, just made with love. As for the size, I would say, the size of a crib quilt. Also, the quilt needs to be safe and free of anything that can cause choking (ribbon, buttons, fringe, etc.)
Please email me at Shwandadahonda@aol.com if you would like to participate in this journey with us (you may also join us to give your quilt to a child).
In other news, the kids are doing well, loving school and playing hard. They have recently joined me in watching some of my favorite old movies: Holiday Inn, White Christmas, Singing in the Rain, and the Muppet Movie (ok, I know it's just from the late 70's but....) and they loved them! Ben is about to start baseball and Lauren is going gymnastics.
Jeff is very busy at work. The best way to keep up with him is to join Facebook and "friend" him or follow him on Twitter. Also, his work is going to get really crazy once "Lost" starts up in February. At that time, you may follow him, AKA Doc Jensen, on his blog at EW.com. His "Lost" webisodes are quite hilarious.
Well, I will try to write more often. Please keep in touch!
with love and blessings,
amy (and Jeff, Ben and Lauren)